Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dining Room Dilemma

Good morning,

I am working on a project and hope that maybe someone can help shed some light. I have a client who happens to be a very good friend. We are re-working her breakfast nook which currently has a very dark table and very dark almost black leather parsons chairs. What we need are some nice white chairs to offset all the dark and can bring an airy flow to this cute nook.

Turns out that this is much harder than originally planned! I am looking for a chair that is light to white in color with either no or very minimal antique detail (most that I've found are too antiqued for my friend) They also need to have a wood back and a padded seat for comfort in a light neutral fabric so that as they are used they can easily be changed without much cost or effort.

I would like something with some interest or graphic detail in the back, but at this point the picky factor is becoming less and less on that detail. I am loving the look and I'm clearly a huge fan of mixing colors, styles and textures. This is what makes design interesting!

Here are some pictures that I'm currently drooling over and would LOVE to find.

She's not a fan of faux bamboo as an FYI. I prefer most the chairs in the picture above in a reproduction, but what do you think? Have you seen anything out there???

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